Friday, July 14, 2006

New Template Search

I am on the quest to find a new template. I may be pretty knowledgable with the html shit (well at least more then most of my friends) but there is no way I can create my own template. Don't get me wrong the template I have now is...nice. I tricked it out a tad, like the header graphic I made, or the author tag graphic at the bottom of each post. But this is boring and in no way symbolizes the essence of my blog. Here is the first option I was looking at. --> I like the color but the Asian symbol in the right corner isn't me. I'm white.

Here is the next option --->
It is very beautiful, however I'm not sure how this template thing works. Are the words "never ending road" going to stay there? Or are my words "Create Yourself" going to take it's place. Only one way to find out! I tried it and the text doesn't change. So moving onto a new one.

Now this one is pretty cool. It fufills my need for mod. --->

I really like this one. It might be the winner. ---->
First I've got to see how it looks. So it doesn't work. The picture that I love doesn't even show up. What a jip. Onto the next one.

This one is cool. It is very creative, and I like creativity. --->

I really like this one as well. The tree is interesting.-->

I keep trying to get these suckers to work. But the previews aren't really helping at all. I tried to tree one with no luck. There was more words and unwanted buttons then the picture shows. Oivey.