Thursday, July 13, 2006

Another Day

Do you ever notice how things tend to get, lets say, repetitive? Most people don't really notice this. Until it's gone. Well today is one of those days where I realize that my repetitive lifestyle (as in summer school) is about to end. A piece of my life that I have come accustomed to is about to disappear. This realization causes me to fret over my free time. Free time that I can use to get a job. I don't even want to get started on my job status. Well, I have been turned down for something around 10 jobs. I get interviews, I think they go great. No call. Ever. The one's I really care about I follow up and call. And call. And call. Get called back, they say that the one job position left doesn't need to be filled any more. Oivey. Back at square one. No job. Nothing. I can't blame all of this on them. I am being a little picky. As in I don't want to work in fast food, or any food service. I will not work at Magic Mountain ever again. I've done it twice and will never again. And I hate retail. So I'm a little picky. But I need a job that lets me focus on school. Since I'm trying to finish in four years. Which apparently is pretty much impossible now.