Saturday, September 02, 2006


I don't understand. How can you lay there and not even care to know how I feel? Not want to even know why I feel this way? You make me want to regret ever mentioning anything to you...EVER. It tortures me to keep it inside. To not tell you how I feel. I NEED to tell you, I HAVE to. And then I do. I spill my heart to you. And what do I get? Regret. Hot, burning regret. You never wanted to hear that, you didn't want to understand why I cry, why I hurt. You just wanted it to stop. Well guess what? In order for the crying and hurting to stop, I have to tell you. You need to know because if you don't know, then how are you/we supposed to cope? Suppose to heal? There are things that need to be taken off my chest. And I can't tell anyone but you. No one else understands, no one else was there, no one else is even supposed to know. The sad thing is that although you tell me you didn't want to know/hear that, I always feel that deep inside (in a part that even you may not realize on a conscious level) you need to know. What I say may bring on unwanted emotions and thoughts, but I still believe that knowing what I've told you helps. Being ignorant to the emotions of the one you love, I think, can have a devestating effect. (Exhibit A--me and you) I think I can live with not knowing what you think. Well I can live not know EVERYTHING you think. But I can't live not being able to tell you EVERYTHING I think. That's just how it is. There needs to be a comprimise. ASAP.