Thursday, August 02, 2007

I cannot

I've found some old urges, shadows of my former self. The former self that wanted to know too much, was inquisitive beyond normal. I'm over thinking and not relaxing. I need to just let it be, I'm single, they're single. Although they always seem to make me feel special, always make me feel like they really like me. But they talk of others, kisses others, not sure there is room for me. But they also need a friend...and I will be that friend.

I cannot go snooping (no matter how innocent it feels). I cannot think more into this than what is laid down before me. They like me that's all I need to know. If it goes beyond liking and flirting I shall deal with my emotions then. I must take what they say to me at face value, because there is no reason to mistrust other otherwise.

I like them, alot. But I will be patient, and I will wait.